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A work­ing vine­yard. A coun­try escape.

Open Daily 11am – 5pm

Our red barn winery, tasting decks, gazebos, and duck ponds overlooking the Thomas & Judith Beckmen Estate Vineyard provide an idyllic wine country setting for savoring our handcrafted wines. We invite you to join us for a wine tasting, vineyard and winery tour, bottle service at our gazebos, dock, or pondside lounge, or a private tour and wine tasting.

Reservation Recommended
Reservations are kindly recommended for all experiences due to limited space. Reservations are required for the private tour and wine tasting experience. Walk-in guests are welcome as availability permits.

Large Group Reservations
At Beckmen Vineyards, we are pleased to offer an intimate and personalized experience for our guests. To maintain this atmosphere, we do not accept online reservations for groups larger than 8 people.

We kindly ask that guests refrain from making multiple reservations for the same group to circumvent the 8-person cap. For groups larger than 8, please email your request to tastingroom@beckmenvineyards.com. A $200 site fee will be applied to accommodate large group reservations for non-members.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us provide the best possible experience for all our guests.

Beckman JNP15451

Wine Tasting

5 Premier Wines for $30

  • Taste either out­doors on our cov­ered deck with stun­ning vine­yard views or indoors at our tast­ing bar.
  • Wine also avail­able by the glass and bottle.
  • Max­i­mum group size is 8.
Beckmen2022 5197

Wine Bar Tasting

A lively bar tasting of 5 wines, $20 per person

Enjoy a wine tast­ing flight at our Estate vine­yard wine bar. Each tast­ing fea­tures 5 wines hand­craft­ed from our bio­dy­nam­ic vineyards.

Wine tast­ings are free for active Wine Club mem­bers, per their mem­ber­ship plan.

We are a fam­i­ly and dog friend­ly win­ery. How­ev­er, our bar tast­ing expe­ri­ence is for adults 21+ only. For reser­va­tions with chil­dren or dogs, we ask that you book a seat­ed tast­ing on our decks, gaze­bo or lounge. 

Beckmen vineyards home vineyard

Farm to Glass: Tour & Tasting

Daily at 11:00am, $50 per person

Step beyond the tast­ing room and immerse your­self in Beckmen’s Farm to Glass expe­ri­ence. Explore our Estate vine­yard while learn­ing about our bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing prac­tices before step­ping inside the win­ery and bar­rel rooms to dis­cov­er how we trans­form grapes into wine. This immer­sive expe­ri­ence lasts approx­i­mate­ly 90 min­utes. After the tour, enjoy a guid­ed tast­ing of five hand­craft­ed wines, each a true expres­sion of our bio­dy­nam­ic vineyards.

To ensure an inti­mate and enjoy­able expe­ri­ence for all guests, group reser­va­tions are lim­it­ed to 8 peo­ple. We kind­ly ask that groups do not book mul­ti­ple reser­va­tions to exceed the 8‑person lim­it. Thank you for your understanding!

Please wear appro­pri­ate shoes (no stilet­tos allowed) as you will be walk­ing through uneven vine­yard ter­rain and a work­ing pro­duc­tion space.

Beckmen2022 5671

Bottle Service

Gazebo, Dock, or Pondside Lounge

Enjoy bot­tle ser­vice at a pri­vate gaze­bo, dock, or in the pond­side lounge over­look­ing the vine­yard and serene ponds.

We require a min­i­mum one bot­tle pur­chase for every two peo­ple, which can be enjoyed here or tak­en home.

Wine tast­ings are not avail­able at these locations.

Per­fect for groups and pic­nics. Out­side food is wel­comed and encouraged.

Reser­va­tions last for two hours.

Max­i­mum group size is 8.

Large Group Reser­va­tion
To request a reser­va­tion for a larg­er group, please email: tastingroom@​beckmenvineyards.​com. Please note that a $200 site fee will apply for non-members.


Do I need a reservation to visit Beckmen Vineyards?

Reservations are kindly recommended for all experiences due to limited space. Reservations are required for the private tour + tasting experience. Walk-in guests are welcome as availability permits.

Do you allow children?

Yes, children are welcome but must be supervised by an adult at all times. Please include children in your reservation group size.

Are you dog-friendly?

Yes, dogs are allowed as long as they remain on leash and you pick-up after them.

Do you offer food?

We sell an assortment of Torres chips and caramels by Jessica Foster Confections.

Can we bring our own food?

Outside food is encouraged, especially when you’re at our private gazebos. We recommend Panino (Los Olivos), Los Olivos Grocery, Lucky Hen Larder, and Cailloux Cheese Shop.

Can we bring in outside alcohol?

No other alcohol is allowed to be consumed on our property. If you are seen consuming other alcohol, we will kindly ask you to leave.

How long is a typical tasting?

A wine tasting generally lasts 45 minutes to one hour.

What if my party is over 8 people?

We are pleased to offer an intimate and personalized experience for our guests. To maintain this atmosphere, the maximum group size we allow for wine tastings is 8 people. Additionally, we do not accept online reservations for groups larger than 8 people.

For groups larger than 8, we are able to offer a bottle-service experience at one of our gazebos + lounge. Please note that a $200 site fee will be applied to accommodate large group reservations for non-members. To request a reservation, please email tastingroom@beckmenvineyards.com.

We kindly ask that guests refrain from making multiple reservations for the same group to circumvent the 8-person cap.

Can we do a wine tasting at a gazebo, dock or lounge?

Tastings are not available at our gazebos, dock, or lounge. To ensure you have the best experience, we provide bottle service at these locations.

Do you allow private events?

We do not allow private events at our estate.